Renovation of the Markethall in Drohobych

Renovation of the Markethall in Drohobych

Team:           Artem Pereiaslov, Anna Khyzhniak, Vlad Khyzhniak
Location:      Drohobych, Ukraine
Category:     Retail
Area:            2 960 sq m
Timeline:      June 2022
Roles:               Artem Pereiaslov, Anna Khyzhniak - architects,
                          Vlad Khyzhniak - visualisations

The main ideas of the new marketplace are an integration of the Markethall into the surrounding context and humanization of the environment, taking into account the technological processes of reconstruction. The main task is to reveal the potential of the territory as a direct pedestrian connection between the city arteries and the heart of Drohobych - historic city center.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Building plot is located at the historic part in the heart of Drohobych and is also saturated with valuable historical buildings in the city center area. The site has a non-systemic and chaotic character of the territory development. The current situation is characterized by low trading conditions, neglected market stalls and the adjacent territory. Ignoring the technological needs of the market and the needs of users has led to a depressed state of the marketplace. The existing market does not correspond to the status of a public space, which should be one of the centers of social activity of citizens.
Location analysis
Functional scheme
According to the concept, the existing territory is transformed from a shopping street into a multifunctional public space. The one- and two-level market stalls are located in the center of the street. There are green recreation zones and food court areas between them. The retail loading process is carried out at the scheduled time.
The complex solution of the marketplace includes the creating spaces of different emotional load and types of recreation: the new Market Square, an area of quiet and active recreation, a playground, food courts and an arcade. Together, these areas, through interactive landscape design elements such as a dry fountain, transform the marketplace into a public space of social exchange and interaction between the population. All these aspects create new scenarios for new city life.
Street profiles

Modular paving grid of the street Malyi Rynok repeats the paving principle of the Square Rynok to get as close as possible to the perception of pedestrian spaces. The square-nested structure of the street provides simplicity and lightness of public space. Landscaping elements are placed at the intersection of the paving grid, retail stalls and green fabric fill the cells.

The Markethall renovation concept suggests a diverse typology of retail: the active front on the ground floor is separated, while the interior space is used by the traditional fair. There are also shopping stalls on the first floor. The second floor of the Markethall is designed for public catering with an open terrace. The intersection of technological processes and flows of visitors is excluded by the presence of dispersed vertical communications, which are equipped with freight and passenger elevators. Loading processes are carried out from the side of the existing administrative building of the market complex.

Renovation of the Markethall in Drohobych